Becky Caldwell announced as incoming CDRA executive director

Caldwell will assume the responsibilities of executive director beginning July 1 as Bill Turley begins to scale back his day-to-day involvement within the association.

The Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA) has announced that Becky Caldwell will succeed Bill Turley as executive director.

Over the past year, the CDRA Board of Directors has been working on succession planning for the position as Turley looks to scale back his day-to-day involvement within the association after nearly 28 years of leadership. Beginning July 1, Caldwell will assume the responsibilities of executive director.

Becky is an industry veteran who has an extensive resume in solid waste, planning, safety, and government affairs. She is also a certified instructor of several Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) solid waste training programs and has served on several CDRA committees, including as chair of the Risk Management Committee.  

“I am honored to have been given the opportunity to be the incoming executive director for such a prestigious organization as the CDRA. I am confident Bill and I will continue to work well together as we focus on the mission and growth of our organization,” says Caldwell.

Turley will stay on with the CDRA on a part-time basis to complete specific projects and advise Becky going forward. “I look forward to working with Becky to ensure a smooth transition in order to keep the CDRA the leader of the C&D industry,” he says. “Her background will allow that to happen."